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Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:12 pm
by Taylor Hofman
Lets talk about the dark arts...
What pain points, demographics and advertising mediums have you found most effective?
I've only had my accreditation for a few weeks so I don't have much to share.

Re: Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:44 pm
by LucindaFlynn
Hello Taylor,
I must admit, Scorecard and the entire world of energy efficiency assessing is still new and unknown to many people.
My recommendation to getting more work is to try to hook up with a council/organisation that wants to use scorecard for their constituents / members, and become their assessor. That way you can really get your teeth into the work, and also become known for what you do. I've found that that type of work has been my mainstay, and that the private work follows (at a much slower trickle).
I'd also recomemnd you join your local facebook community pages (if you have them) and keep your eyes out for discussions about comfort/house retrofit questions, and give your advice, mentioning that are a scorecard assessor (but not pushing it). You want to become known as someone who can answer those kinds of questions, and then when people decide to take the plunge, they will ask you.
Whereabouts do you live again? Cheers

Re: Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:52 am
by Cal Forsyth
Hi Taylor,

I've been reaching out to real estate agents with the attached presentation. Feel free to edit it and add your cover page.
Real Estate Presentation

Special note: Artist's impressions only and subject to Scorecard branding approval.


Re: Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:19 pm
by Tim Forcey
Cal: How are you going with the estate agents?
(I have never gotten around to chasing that angle...)

Re: Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:20 pm
by Tim Forcey

Re: Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:34 pm
by Cal Forsyth
Hey Tim, real estate agents love the idea, but aren't driven by their customers or buyers at this stage. I've only personally had a few bookings for houses that are up for sale and subject to RES.