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Located in each corner of Australia and ready for booking at your convenience.
Pre-sale Assessment
Multilingual Delivery
Proposed Plan Assessment
Supplier Sourcing
Body Corporate Assessment
Tradesman Collaboration
Benefits of a residential energy efficiency assessment
Increase comfort
Reduce costs
Reduce emissions
Key areas of analysis
Dwelling Style
Solar Orientation
Personal Comfort
Permanent Fixtures
Customer Goals

Thanks Cal for coming in and providing both thorough on the spot feedback and tips and even more thorough reports and advice promptly after. We are really excited with the relatively easy options that will make such a big impact to our comfort level and also reliance on fossil fuels. We are really grateful that you were able to help us re-prioritise what we thought would make the most impact, as this will absolutely save us money! We really appreciate the prompt responses to re-modelling our insulation to work within our structural limitations and advice of our trades. We do not hesitate to recommend Cal to assess you home. He is very approachable and very happy to answer questions and help you understand the impacts and costs of options available.

Cal at Ephe went to some trouble to help us. Very happy with the result.

Immediate and detailed response to my query re scorecard query. No pressure to sign up – rather an honest interest to initially provide info sources, so I can learn&draw my own conclusion. Highly recommended – thank you

Highly recommended in boosting sales results. Extremely easy to deal with and very accommodating, excellent customer service skills and has a strong focus on customer goals.

Extremely easy to deal with and very accommodating, excellent customer service skills and has a strong focus on customer goals.
0431 111 224
Cal Forsyth
Seek unbiased advice from Cal to improve household comfort levels, improve residential energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Cal has a background in project management and has functioned as an industrial designer for 10 years. His pathway into assessing and educating households in energy consumption is the result of completing home energy efficiency and sustainability studies and an individual responsibility to assist the Government in reaching a 2050 net zero household goal.